Exmouth RNLI volunteers were tasked to reports of a person in trouble in the sea off Dawlish last evening.  

At 5.57pm yesterday Friday 29th September 2023, H.M. Coastguard paged the volunteer crew of Exmouth RNLI inshore lifeboat D-805 George Bearman II and requested they attend to a report of a swimmer in difficulty in the sea about 500 metres east of Langstone Rock, Dawlish. The launch was authorised by Exmouth RNLI Deputy Launch Authority, Rick Newcombe.

Local Coastguard Rescue Teams and an H.M. Coastguard Rescue Helicopter were also tasked to attend the incident.    

The charity’s lifeboat, commanded by Helm, Guy Munnings, with crew David Preece and Geoff Mills, launched at 6.08pm and made towards the last reported position of the casualty, who had been discovered by a vessel in the area.  

Exmouth RNLI Inshore Lifeboat in action Credit : John Thorogood / RNLI

Very shortly afterwards, at 6.12pm the lifesavers located the casualty who was immediately placed on board the lifeboat and given emergency first aid. The swimmer was then winched aboard the H.M. Coastguard Rescue helicopter, Rescue 187, and flown to the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital. The condition of the casualty is not known at this time.

Other RNLI volunteers involved in the rescue were Tractor Driver, Robert Thompson, Head Launcher, Mark Sansom, with shore crew Tim Thorn, Ed Thomas, James Searle and Jake Butt.

RNLI safety advice for sea swimming can be found here : https://rnli.org/safety/choose-your-activity/open-water-swimming

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