Throughout the year, the Ministry of Defence operate a live firing range from Straight Point, at the coast just east of Exmouth.

Public safety in the vicinity of the danger area out to sea is a priority and is managed by the Ministry by using radar, cameras, lookout sentries and a dedicated Range Safety Boat, ‘Smit Cerne’. The danger area is depicted in the map below.

    Straight Point Range Danger Area

Usual Summer Firing Times

Weekdays: 9am to 4pm
Evenings: from 30 mins before dusk until 11.45pm
Weekends: 9am to 12.30pm

 Ministry of Defence dedicated Range Safety Vessel ‘Smit Cerne’


Further Details Available From – or Google “Straight Point Range”

Telephone : 01395 272972

VHF:- Ch 11 – Call Sign:- “Straight Point Range” or “Smit Cerne”

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