At a Christmas get-together for shop volunteers on 12 December, a number of presentations were made for dedicated long-service. Crew volunteers gave a talk on their recent visit to Berthon Build to view Exmouth RNLI’s new Shannon-class lifeboat in progress.
Exmouth Shop Manager, Margaret Eaglesham organised the annual get-together in order to thank shop volunteers for their continued hard work. Margaret also presented retiring Coxswain Mechanic, Tim Mock with a selection of items from the shop, including a useful tide table for 2014.
Tim presented Shop Volunteer, John Harvey with a framed letter of thanks from Chief Executive of the Institution, Paul Boissier for his commitment to the charity. For over 35 years, John has held three volunteer roles: Deputy Launching Authority, Honorary Treasurer and most recently, a Shop Volunteer. John’s wife, Daphne received a bouquet of flowers for her loyal support.
Channel Division Technical Manager, Mark Evans was invited especially to present a 20 year service badge to Exmouth RNLI Deputy Coxswain, Steve Hockings-Thompson. Mark Newton, a Shore Crew volunteer also received a framed letter from Paul Boissier, thanking him for his commitment over the five years he served before leaving to spend more time with his young family.
Steve, together with new full-time Mechanic, Andy Williams gave an informative talk on how the Shannon lifeboat is progressing. A small group of crew volunteers visited Berthon Build boatyard earlier in the week to view the new all-weather lifeboat, 13-03 in production.
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