Exmouth RNLI volunteers have organised three fantastic public events at the Lifeboat Station over the next few weeks.

Aimed at raising awareness of our local RNLI lifesavers, their work, lifeboats and equipment, together with a focus on water safety and a mix of family fun and entertainment, the charity will be opening its doors to the public and inviting them to come along to three events in the coming weeks.

The first is the Exmouth RNLI Sea Sunday celebration at 3pm Sunday 9th July 2023 at the boathouse where a service of thanksgiving will be conducted by Reverend Tom James. Music will provided by Exmouth Town Concert Band and Budleigh Salterton Male Voice Choir. It is free to attend and all are very welcome.

Next is the Tug of War competition being held on the beach by the lifeboat station between 12 noon and 3pm, Saturday 5th August 2023. This charity fundraising event in aid of Exmouth RNLI aims to raise funds for essential lifesaving kit and training for our volunteer crew and promises to be a fun and highly competitive afternoon. The event is open to teams of 10, over 18 only with an entry donation of £40 per team. Teams should contact Jason Luff on jason_luff@rnli.org.uk to take part.

Exmouth RNLI Open Day.

Between 12 noon and 3pm on Sunday 6th August 2023, all are very welcome to visit the Exmouth RNLI Open Day 2023 at the lifeboat station. This free event promises to be enjoyable for all – find out more about the lifesaving work at your local RNLI lifeboat station, meet the crew, see our lifeboats, launch vehicles, other rescue equipment and enjoy a free guided tour of the boathouse.  There will also be free water safety advice, a lifejacket clinic, refreshments, giveaways for children and an opportunity to throw wet sponges at our lifeboat crews!    

Des White, Chair of the Exmouth RNLI Fundraising Team, said, “We are delighted to be finally getting back to normal after some disruption of our public events due to Covid and I’m very excited to be able to once again invite everyone to come along and enjoy these forthcoming events over the next few weeks. As a lifesaving charity we rely solely on public support to help all those at risk on the water and I’m pleased we are able to open our doors to our supporters and give them an insight into our work as well as providing some great fun and entertainment.”

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