At 5.51pm today Monday 4 October 2021, H.M. Coastguard tasked Exmouth RNLI Inshore Lifeboat D-805 George Bearman II to a report of an apparently abandoned kayak seen drifting upside down on the River Exe.

Exmouth RNLI Inshore Lifeboat launching. Credit: Mark Johnson

The lifeboat launched at 6.05 pm crewed by Scott Ranft, Ed Thomas and James Edge, immediately sped to the scene and commenced a search of the area. They quickly located the kayak at 6.13pm on the Exmouth side of the River Exe and recovered it to a safe location. Following a further search the volunteer crew satisfied themselves that there was no-one in difficulty in the area and at 6.30pm they were stood down by H.M. Coastguard.  

They returned to Exmouth Lifeboat Station where the lifeboat was back ready for service a short time later.

Other RNLI volunteers involved were Deputy Launch Authority, Robert Vince, and shore crew Karl Halford, Guy Munnings, Roger Jackson, Steve Hockings-Thompson, Ed Steele, Andy Stott, Harry Griffin and Geoff Mills.

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