Exmouth RNLI are pleased to report that their fireworks display this year was an amazing success raising important funding for the local charity that saves lives at sea.

Exmouth RNLI Fireworks Credit : John Thorogood/RNLI

The lifesavers are pleased to announce their Fireworks Display 2021 held at the Imperial Recreation Ground, Exmouth, EX8 1DG on the evening of Friday 5 November raised  £14,700. They would like to thank all those who came along to enjoy the event and the many local businesses who gave it their support.

Louise Hockings-Thompson, Co-Ordinator of Exmouth RNLI Events Team said, ‘It really was a full station event planned by the Exmouth RNLI Events Team, but with volunteers from the RNLI Shop, Fundraising, Visits Guides, Crew and Sea Safety, it was amazing to see volunteers from all areas of the station helping on the night from marshalling to bucket collecting and being Stormy Stan – I’d like to thank all of them who worked so hard to help.’

‘We would like to thank Exmouth Rugby Club for allowing us to hire the ground, to the stall holders who came with their delicious food: Exe Valley Pizza, Street Food SouthWest, Global Street Kitchen, South West Event Catering, The Sweetie Stand, Ted and his homemade candy apples and to Big Bear who also gave a large donation on the night. To East Devon Air for their great music and for supporting us on the night and going above and beyond to make the night a success, to Sonic Fireworks for their superb display, and to the The Strand Pub for a beer after the event for the firework volunteers.’

Finally, to the wonderful people of Exmouth who supported the event, students from Exeter University who arrived en mass, and all the people that travelled from far and wide to support our lifesaving charity – we hope you enjoyed the evening and truly appreciate all the support you gave us that made this event such a success.’

Monies raised at the event will go towards essential crew training at Exmouth RNLI Lifeboat Station.

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