Volunteer team at Exmouth rescue kitesurfer

Inshore lifeboat George Bearman launched at 3.40pm on Easter Monday, 28 March following reports of a kite surfer in difficulty near Orcombe Point. A shop volunteer called the Coastguard to initiate the rescue process.                                                    

The casualty had lost his board and was carried 3/4 mile eastwards along the coast in 25 knot winds and a localised hailstorm. Volunteers were on scene within 15 minutes and brought him and his kit back to the sand bank where he had started.

Shop volunteer for seven years, Penny Preece had called the Coastguard after a member of the public had raised concerns. Using the binoculars in the viewing gallery, she could see that the casualty was still in difficulty after a considerable length of time in the water. Whilst she was on the phone, the casualty’s friend also entered the shop and managed give further details directly to the Coastguard.

PR290316 Kitesurfer 3 Penny watched the casualty through the binoculars in the viewing gallery.





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